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I long to see Christ formed in me and in those around me. Spiritual formation is my passion. My training was under Dallas Willard at the Renovare Spiritual Formation Institute. One of my regular prayers is this: "This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak, and in the mouth of each who speaks unto me."

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Joy of My Salvation

Our only place, the only place of blessing, our one abiding position before God, must be that of those whose highest joy it is to confess that they are sinners saved by grace.  (Murray, Andrew. Humility, Chapter 8)

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
  and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. (Psalm 51:11)

Yesterday I read something that will revolutionize how I confess my sins to God.  Confession, when properly performed, ends in adoration, praise, and worship.  "Never, never, even in glory, can [those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb] be other than ransomed sinners." (Murray)  This is not because such confession is the source of worship, but because it accompanies the source of worship: humility.  A humble person confesses, but not all confessions are made in humility.

Praise punctuates humble confession.  In the face of sin and failure, humility begs for the "joy of salvation" which comes with a "willing spirit to sustain."  Confession without humility brings excuses, dread, self-condemnation, and even denial.  Its a matter of focus.  "Being occupied with self, even amid the deepest self-abhorrence, can never free us from self. It is the revelation of God, not only by the law condemning sin but by His grace delivering from it, that will make us humble."  (Murray)  Humble confession looks to God and others for pity and rejoices at finding it.  When such pity is found, it provides strength for deliverance.  Without pity, such strength is not found, only the desire to hide.

Pity (mercy) opens the door.  Grace brings us in.  When I seek God's pity, his grace is welcome.  This is why the tax collector in Jesus parable (Luke 18) went home justified and the Pharisee did not.  The Pharisee was unable to receive God's grace because he would not go through the door of pity.  Grace (God's unearned favor) extends beyond pity.  I experience God's favor primarily as strength.  Grace is what provides ongoing salvation from my sins, while pity begins the process.  To stop with pity is to fall short of grace.  "'The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath now made me free from the law of sin, which once led me captive' [Romans 8:2] - is neither the annihilation nor the sanctification of the flesh, but a continuous victory given by the Spirit as He mortifies the deeds of the body."  (Murray)  That is why Luther (I believe) says, "There, but for the grace of God, go I" when he looks at sin.

So now as I come to confess, I find that I can enter and leave my "confessional" with hope.  I can enter through remembering how God has had mercy and how he continues to save me from many sins and trials.  Although I am a sinner, and need to admit my need for pity, my joy is in his salvation, which sustains me daily and gives me hope for whatever I may face.  It provides an essential pillar to my humility before God: the position of a ransomed slave.  I can leave with the hope of deepened humility and praise.

Such restored joy brings a willing spirit.  Willing to seek pity again.  Willing to praise the God who freely gives such pity.  Willing to seek his grace and strength to move forward in my redemption.  I believe I am redeemed from my slavery to sin, but need to grow in my understanding and life as a son of the Most High.  I have been invited into his home to live in his family and now I am eager to learn the ways of this heavenly household.  Only joy can bring this willingness.

Forgiving Father, your ways are mysterious especially when it comes to seeing your love for sinners.  You are patient and kind.  When I remember how your love has been extended to me, a sinner, I am overcome.  Pity me when I forget this love and treat you like a cruel taskmaster.  Remind me of your goodness to me each day.  Let me rejoice in you through your Spirit!  Amen.

Today I reviewed many sins from my past.  The pain was turned to gladness when I realized God's mercy and salvation.  I am eager to confess and turn from anything else that would keep me from that joy.  Curses on my pride!

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