"Two men went up to the temple to pray: one a Pharisee, the other a tax collector." (Luke 18:10)
The house of God is open.
The meal is spread out.
The conversation is slow.
The table is low.
When I enter this house
I never hear,
"What are
you doing here?"
They call my name,
but will I answer?
Do I know it?
The greatest weapon of pride
that keeps me from tabling
with the Lord
are the words,
"I just don't have time for that."
The doorway to the house
is the cross.
To enter, in confession,
all clothes are stripped,
all possessions dropped.
Naked I come,
but I arrive at the table
dressed in glory.
At any other home,
where people gather alone,
this naked visitor,
this empty traveler
is unwelcome and unexpected.
At the house of God,
though he worries about his welcome,
he is seen a long way off.
And though his brother will not welcome him,
he is clothed and celebrated.
His brother receives warm welcomes everywhere
and he thinks he deserves them.
But this naked guest
is only welcomed by God
and his company.
The naked guest finds his home
in a church that is
a place of worship and
a house of prayer.
Here is a doorway to fellowship with God.
His brother will find his home
in a church that is
a human gathering,
a place of religion.
Here is a warm welcome for all pride and false confidence.
Without confession, I will not be recognized by God.
He knows my true self, my right name.
Do I know? Will I answer?
Jesus says "I never knew you" to this pretend self.
Jesus says "Come to me" to a contrite heart, a broken spirit.
As a naked guest, let me come
and cling to the cross!
Pretend selves die
and false confidence falters
and all is left behind
for a chair
at the table of the Trinity.