About Me

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I long to see Christ formed in me and in those around me. Spiritual formation is my passion. My training was under Dallas Willard at the Renovare Spiritual Formation Institute. One of my regular prayers is this: "This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak, and in the mouth of each who speaks unto me."

Other Interests

Sunday, March 28, 2021

All My Fountains

“I delight in your lovingkindess,

not in your sacrifice.”

You speak to the miser in me

       who treats devotion like a calculation,

                   worship like a duty,

                   kindness like a burden.

I count and carefully keep track

  of each penny I give to you

  while pouring my abundance elsewhere.

Oh, the tax law I have made of my devotion

       making sure I come out in the right,

       with a foolproof justification of selfishness.

This wrinkled, grubbing miser in me

        needs a great conversion

                   a brand new vision

                   of the ocean of love

                   before each and all of us,

        instead of the dribbling drops

                     of a squeezed belief

                     wrung out like an old dishrag.

“I delight in you knowing Me,

not in your burnt offerings that burn you out.”

You speak to the sacrifices I hold close to my heart,

       what I’ve done for you,

       what I think I deserve.

But you hold something else dear:

       the moments I truly heard you,

       the times I was close to your heart

             which was breaking to be known,

             so that I might share in your life,

                                               that eternal life.

It was not my giving up you treasured,

    my self-important sacrifices

                                 from scarcity

                                 and gritted teeth.

It was my up-giving you longed for

    an overflow of an abundance from you,

                            a hundred-fold soil,

                            riches begetting riches,

                            a glory both given and achieved.

The little coal of worship duty

       blazes into adoration fire.

The slight taste for devotion fear

       becomes the unquenchable thirst for the living God.

The kindness calculated for appreciation

       is now a treasure shared without thought or worry.

Every movement
      is a dance.

Every thought

       is a delight.

Every word

       is praise.

Every moment

       is a wonder

              at what you are saying

              and what you are doing.

“What can I do with you?

What can I do with you?”

You speak to each coming and going day,

                      evening and morning.

Will you look and see that it was good?

When the cool of the day comes

           And you say, “Where are you?”

           Can I only say, “I was afraid, so I hid”?

Speak into my heart new words:

           “Oh God, you are my God!”

           “Search me and know my heart!”

           “You are my Shepherd,

                    I lack nothing.”

           “You have made known to me the path of life,

                    you will fill me with joy in your presence,

                    with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

           “All my fountains are in you!”

Let me seek you

      by the quiet streams

                 where I am not swept away by noise and hurry,

      in the green pastures

                 where I have all I need of peace and rest,

      at the source of living water

                 where all my fountains of love flow freely,

        through and beyond the valley

                   of the shadow of death

                   where there is joy in the morning.

        I will not fear,

        No, I will not fear,

                 though the earth give way,

                 for you are with me.

You have made the way,

                          the one way,

       for me to be with you


                          even to the end of the age.

His name is Jesus.

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