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I long to see Christ formed in me and in those around me. Spiritual formation is my passion. My training was under Dallas Willard at the Renovare Spiritual Formation Institute. One of my regular prayers is this: "This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak, and in the mouth of each who speaks unto me."

Other Interests

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guidance as the Righteousness of God

Like a horse in open country,
they did not stumble;
like cattle that go down to the plain,
they were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord.
This is how you guided your people
to make for yourself a glorious name. (Is. 63:13)

I love this image of guidance. When God guides, we are like a horse galloping across the prairie and like a contented cow grazing in a green field of grace. God's guidance leads to freedom and rest. The freedom is a freedom from stumbling and falling. The rest is provision and peace. The result shows how good and amazing God is.

Interestingly, this passage in Isaiah refers to the Israelites looking back to their wilderness wanderings with longing. The passage refers to them as they followed God. It could be said that Isaiah is merely being nostalgic, forgetting the complaining and doubting that happened during those days. I think, however, he is pointing not to the "good ole days," but rather to our good God.

The problem with God's guidance was not with his guidance, but with the reception of it from the people. Even with their gripes and slips, they found their way. The main point being that the first step to following God's guidance is understanding that God is not trying to be obscure and cryptic as he guides us, but plain and clear. What gets in my way is my worry and doubt.

Faith is what opens up God's guidance to me. Simple trust in his desire to guide and care for me. This simple trust led Abraham into the "right way" with God (Rom. 4:3). Perhaps righteousness is mostly a matter of guidance. By trust and confidence in God, maybe I can, like Abraham, walk in the right ways because God will guide me. The opposite would be trusting more in something other than my relationship with God as my guiding light.

I find it easy to depart from following God because sometimes he doesn't seem to be going where I want or maybe he is going too slow. I whip out the map of my reason or my feeling or my common sense, pass God, and try to find the right way on my own. Everyone knows what that's like, but everyone still tries it.

Walking alongside the Lord is like galloping over an open field. He shows me things that I would never be able to figure out on my own. Also, walking with God is like being that contented cow. He provides what I need and more as I journey with him. Keeping in step with him also brings me to worship and praise him as he performs amazing deeds in, around, and through me. By contrast, passing God up only yields personal accomplishments that dry up and blow away, frantic busyness that drains me, and recognition for myself that does not help other people (or myself really) on bit.

So righteousness can be seen as being guided rightly. What am I guided by today? What is my source of righteousness, right living, right guidance?

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